Terms and conditions (automatic translation)

General Terms And Conditions

§ 1 Scope, Definitions

(1) Nadine Beisswenger, Hofallee 22, 32423 Minden, Deutschland (im Folgenden: „wir“ oder „Aurareinigung und Lichtkristalle“) betreibt unter der Webseite https://aurareinigung-und-lichtkristalle.de/shop einen Online-Shop für Waren, Digitale Güter und Dienstleistungen. Die nachfolgenden allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gelten für alle Leistungen zwischen uns und unseren Kunden (im Folgenden: „Kunde“ oder „Sie“) in ihrer zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung gültigen Fassung, soweit nicht etwas anderes ausdrücklich vereinbart wurde.

(2) "consumer" within the meaning of these terms and conditions is any natural Person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes which can predominantly neither their commercial nor their independent professional activity. "Entrepreneur" is a natural or legal Person or a legal partnership, in concluding a legal transaction, acts in exercise of its commercial or independent professional activity, where a legal partnership is a partnership that is equipped with the ability to acquire rights and incur liabilities.

§ 2 conclusion of the contracts, saving of the contract text

(1) Die folgenden Regelungen über den Vertragsabschluss gelten für Bestellungen über unseren Online-Shop unter https://aurareinigung-und-lichtkristalle.de/shop.

(2) Our product illustrations on the Internet are non-binding and are not a binding offer for the conclusion of a contract.

(3) upon receipt of an order in our Online Shop the following rules apply: The customer makes a binding contract offer by the in our Online Shop order procedure. The order is carried out in the following steps:

  1. Selection of the desired goods, digital goods, of the selected service(s),
  2. Add the products by Clicking on the respective button (e.g. "add to cart", "the shopping bag", etc.),
  3. Examination of the information in the shopping cart,
  4. The order overview by Clicking on the respective button (e.g. "proceed to checkout", "proceed to payment", "order overview", etc),
  5. Enter/verify the address and contact details, choose the payment method, confirmation of the terms and conditions of use,
  6. Sofern die vereinbarte Beschaffenheit der Ware von deren üblichen Beschaffenheit und Verwendungsvoraussetzungen abweicht, Bestätigung einer negativen Beschaffenheitsvereinbarung,
  7. Completion of the order by Pressing the button "buy Now". This constitutes your binding order.
  8. We will ship after the order is placed, an automated order confirmation, the contract is not yet concluded. The contract is concluded when we accept your order within 5 working days via a separate E-Mail explicitly.

(4) In the case of conclusion of the contract the contract is concluded with Nadine Beisswenger, Hofallee 22, 32423 Minden, Germany.

(5) Before the order, the contract data can be printed using the print function of the browser or saved electronically. The execution of the order and Transmission of all in connection with the conclusion of the contract the necessary information, in particular, the order data, the General terms and conditions and the cancellation policy, by E-Mail after the Trigger of the order by you, a partially-automated manner. We will not save the contract text after the conclusion of the contract.

(6) input errors can be corrected by means of the usual keyboard, mouse and Browser features (such as the "Back" Button of the browser). They can also be adjusted to cancel the order prematurely close the browser window and repeat the process.

(7) The execution of the order and Transmission of all in connection with the conclusion of the contract, the necessary information is sent via E-Mail, in a partially automated. You therefore have to ensure that you provided to us in your E-Mail address is correct, the receipt of the respective E-Mails is technically assured and especially not by a SPAM Filter is prevented.

§ 3 subject of the contract and the essential characteristics of the products

(1) In our Online Shop is not subject of the contract:

  1. The sale of Goods. The concrete Goods offered, please refer to our article pages.
  2. The sale of digital goods, Software, or media downloads. The particular digital goods, you can refer to our article pages.
  3. The provision of services. The specific services offered can be found in our article pages.

(2) Sofern ein Vertrag über Waren mit digitalen Elementen oder über digitale Produkte (digitale Inhalte und Dienstleistungen) mit einem Verbraucher zustande kommt und die gesetzliche Aktualisierungspflicht nicht vertraglich wirksam ausgeschlossen wird, sind auch die funktionserhaltenden Aktualisierungen und erforderlichen Sicherheitsupdates Vertragsgegenstand.

(3) Die wesentlichen Merkmale der Ware, digitalen Güter und Dienstleistungen finden sich in der Artikelbeschreibung. Sofern die vereinbarte Beschaffenheit der Ware von deren üblichen Beschaffenheit und Verwendungsvoraussetzungen abweicht, wird darauf in der Artikelbeschreibung ausdrücklich hingewiesen (negative Beschaffenheitsvereinbarung). Soweit der Kunde seine ausdrückliche Einwilligung in die negative Beschaffenheitsabweichung erteilt hat, definiert diese den Vertragsgegenstand.

(4) Für den Verkauf digitaler Produkte gelten die aus der Produktbeschreibung ersichtlichen oder sich sonst aus den Umständen ergebenden Beschränkungen, insbesondere zu Hard- und/oder Softwareanforderungen an die Zielumgebung. Wenn nicht ausdrücklich etwas anderes vereinbart ist, ist Vertragsgegenstand nur die private und gewerbliche Nutzung der Produkte ohne das Recht zur Weiterveräußerung oder Unterlizensierung.

§ 4 prices, shipping and delivery

(1) in The respective offer prices and shipping costs are total prices and include all the price components, including all the incidental taxes.

(2) The purchase price is to be paid before the delivery of the product (in advance), unless we provide explicitly the purchase on invoice. The available payment methods are shown under a correspondingly designated button in the Online Shop or in the respective offer. To the extent that the individual payment methods not otherwise specified, the payment claims due for payment immediately.

(3) In the case of a purchase on invoice, the minimum order is [ Place the value for agbs_v2_rechnung_min ] for this payment method.

(4) in Addition to the prices charged for the delivery of the products, shipping fee, provided that the article is not classified as free shipping. The shipping costs will be communicated to you on the Offers, if applicable, in the shopping cart system and on the order summary once again significantly.

(5) All of the products offered, if not otherwise indicated, ready for shipping (delivery time: [ Place the value for default_delivery_time_text ] after the receipt of the payment or the receipt of the order in the case of a purchase on account).

(6) the following are territorial restrictions of Delivery: delivery will be made in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus, Austria.

§ 5 Aktualisierungen, Updates, Mitwirkungspflichten des Verbrauchers

(1) Sofern ein Vertrag über Waren mit digitalen Elementen oder über digitale Produkte (digitale Inhalte und Dienstleistungen) mit einem Verbraucher zustande kommt und die gesetzliche Aktualisierungspflicht nicht vertraglich wirksam ausgeschlossen ist, werden dem Kunden regelmäßig Updates bereitgestellt, die die Funktionsfähigkeit und die (IT-)Sicherheit der Kaufsache gewährleisten (z.B. Sicherheitsupdates gegen neue Sicherheitsbedrohungen etc.).

(2) Wir sind dazu befugt, zur Bereitstellung der Updates auch einen Dritten einzusetzen (z. B. den Hersteller oder seinen Lieferanten).

(3) Der Zeitraum, in dem Updates bereitgestellt werden, hängt von der Art der jeweiligen Kaufsache ab und wird in der Artikelbeschreibung erläutert.

(4) Verbraucher werden über die Bereitstellung von Updates sowie über die sachgemäße Installation dieser (per E-Mail) informiert.

(5) Der Kunde ist verpflichtet, bereitgestellte Updates sachgemäß nach der Installationsanleitung zu installieren.

§ 6 Zurückbehaltungsrecht, Eigentumsvorbehalt

(1) A lien can only exercise if it concerns claims from the same contractual relationship.

(2) The goods remain our property until full payment of the purchase price.

§ 7 Widerrufsrecht

As a consumer, you have a right of withdrawal. This is in accordance with our Cancellation policy (Translated from German).

§ 8 Haftung

(1) Subject to the following exceptions to our liability for breach of contract as well as tort, is limited to cases of intent or gross negligence.

(2) We shall be liable for slight negligence in the event of injury to life, body or health, or breach of a material obligation of the contract is unlimited. If we are advised due to slight negligence in default with the performance, if the performance has become impossible or if we have violated an essential contractual obligation, liability for consequent damage to assets and to the contract-typical foreseeable damage limited. A material contractual obligation is an obligation whose fulfilment makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place, the breach of which may jeopardise the purpose of the contract and on whose compliance you can trust on a regular basis. In particular, our duty to act and the fulfilment of the contractually owed performance, which is described in § 3.

(3) Unterlässt es der Kunde beim Kauf einer Ware mit digitalen Elementen oder beim Kauf digitaler Produkte (digitale Inhalte und Dienstleistungen), eine Aktualisierung, die ihm bereitgestellt und über deren Verfügbarkeit er informiert worden ist, innerhalb einer angemessenen Frist zu installieren, so haften wir nicht für einen Sachmangel, der allein auf das Fehlen dieser Aktualisierung zurückzuführen ist.

§ 9 Vertragssprache

The contract language is exclusively German.

§ 10 Gewährleistung

(1) The warranty is in accordance with the statutory provisions.

(2) in relation To entrepreneurs, the warranty period for goods supplied is 12 months.

(3) As a consumer, you are requested to check the goods/digital goods or the service provided in fulfilment of the contract immediately for completeness, obvious defects and transport damage and to us and the forwarder of any complaints as soon as possible. If you do not, this will of course have no effect on your legal warranty claims.

§ 11 Schlussbestimmungen/Streitbeilegung

(1) German law shall apply. For consumers, this choice of law applies only insofar as this is through mandatory provisions of the Law of the state of the habitual residence of the consumer protection granted is not withdrawn (Favourability).

(2) The provisions of the UN sales Convention explicitly do not apply.

(3) If the customer is a merchant, a legal entity of public Law or a public-law special Fund, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes from contractual relationships between the customer and the provider is the seat of the provider.

(4) The European Commission provides a platform for Online dispute resolution (OS), which you https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr find. To participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer conciliation Board, we are not obliged and not ready.
