Ascension into the Solar Light Consciousness

Your Quantum Leap into the Solar Dimension of Enlightenment
3-Day Seminar


Seminar content:

  • Ascension into the Solar Light Consciousness the Pleiades, the Photon Ring and the solar light consciousness
  • the Solar Light Consciousness of the 9th dimension and how it impacts you
  • Metatron and Ashtar: The Pleiadian photon belt – Activating the spiritual photon energy and the solar light of consciousness
  • Liberation of your light body: The original Plan of God for your body
  • Primordial implants and main implants of humanity and where they are located
  • Active meditation for the liberation of the subtle implants from important centers of energy and to activate the solar Light consciousness
  • Melchizedek and of the Council of 24 Ways before the throne: the liberation of dark guards
  • The light-Star brothers and sisters: the Star Brothers and Sisters and their immense and everlasting support for you and humanity
  • there will be intense advanced meditations and partner exercises throughout
  • Exercises: comprehensive step-by-step clearing process to remove implants, including Primal Implant, from energy centres

You have completed the Pendulum Seminar or visited the Diamond Light Priest Training part 1 , so that you can fully benefit from the seminar and re-create all exercises at home by yourself.

The seminar costs 485 €*. 

Location: online & 32423 Minden
Date: Fr. 11. Oct. 2024 – So. 13. Oct. 2024
Time: Fr. 13:30 – 18:30| Sat. 09:30 – 18:30 | Sun. 09:30 – 16:30

Maybe You know that too?

You want to ascend in your spiritual development and are doing something about it. And yet you fall back into old patterns of behavior, or something is pulling you down again?

You want it, that You'll not be thrown off track so easily, when something Unexpected happens in Your life?

You want more and more intense contact with Your star brothers and sisters?

You want to be in Your true radiance, You in Your own light and comfortable?

Then You are right here!

Immerse yourself in this 2.5-day Seminar in a different world, in which You taken from Ashtar and Your full of light-star brothers and sisters by the Hand, and led you in. Experience unique Exercises and meditations that will let Your Aura Shine, and Your consciousness rise.

You will receive the Prayer "Activation of my solar Light consciousness". You can do it after the Seminar, always, to cleanse your Aura and your vibration will increase to the full.

Seminar workbook, worksheets, and all meditations the mp3 Format for Download

Inauguration meditations in the cube of Metatron-locket & in the Sefirot design glass

Exercises matching Meditations and Channelings on the various topics of the seminar with Adonai Ashtar, Valiant Thor, Archangel Metatron, Melchizedek, etc..

Attunement meditation for the "Golden Ashtar medallion"
with Adonai Ashtar

Attunement meditation for the "Alcyone-portal of Light"
with Adonai Ashtar and the sun-Lich came from Alcyone

This Seminar is ideal for you

  • if you wish to immerse yourself even more deeply in the wonderful contact with your Star Brothers and Sisters.
  • if you want to look at your life anew from an elevated consciousness - and thus be able to act from a higher meta-position in challenging life situations.
  • if you want to release millennia-old manipulations from your aura and leave them behind for good.
  • if you want to enter the solar light consciousness and take the next step in your luminous evolution.
  • if you have already attended several Litios seminars and want to experience even deeper redemption work on your light body with this seminar.

Pendulum Seminar



Seminar content:

  • Requirements for a successful use of the pendulum
  • Methodical approach to using the pendulum: Receiving clear answers from the angels
  • Various practical pendulum exercises: energy detection (e.g., food, Chakras and sleeping area), working with pendulum tables (e.g. charts)
  • Using the pendulum for others
  • Using the pendulum with light crystals and light diamonds
  • Experience meditations for cleaning and opening up Your Chakras in order to obtain a clear pendulum result

After You have completed the pendulum seminar, I give to You personally to 20 minutes of time for Your questions. You are allowed to put You in touch with me to arrange an appointment. I look forward to meeting You!

For this Seminar, no prerequisites are necessary. Anyone who feels addressed, is welcome to attend!

The seminar costs 125 €*. 

(98€ for repeaters)

Location: online
can be performed at any time

Would you sometimes like to have some guidance from your Guardian Angel, your Higher Self or any other Light Being? Your light companions are always with you and are just waiting for you to finally get in contact with them! They want to guide you, advise you and help you in your development. Using the pendulum is a great way to create a direct connection to your spirit guides.

Anyone can learn to use the pendulum. It is a tool, an instrument for the expansion of your spiritual perceptions and helps you to get in contact with your spirit guides. The long-term objective is to train your intuition and purify your own channel, so that the messages from the spiritual world can be received at any time.

In this seminar, you will learn all the basics you need to use a pendulum in daily life. First, you learn how to clean your energy channel before picking up your pendulum so you can align to your spiritual guidance. Then we do a number of practical pendulum exercises that will give you inspiration for your everyday life (for example: Where can I use the pendulum?). The easy-to-implement exercises of this seminar will help you to make precise use of your pendulum and get answers from your spirit guides.

What you'll experience:

Practical applications and partner exercises
Meditation with Archangel Metatron, your Higher Self and other beings of light

This Seminar is ideal for You if...

you want to get into direct contact with your spiritual guides
you want to become more independent in your spiritual development
you want to receive advise from your spirit guides for all of your concerns

You will receive a workbook during the seminar so you can practice and repeat all the exercises at home.


💗I look forward to seeing you during this online workshop, which you can follow along from the comfort of your home and learn a new way of helping you make decisions. 💗

Online-Seminar zur Familienkarma-Transformation

Erlöse Familienkarma und entzünde das Licht Deiner Ahnen!

Familienkarma Seminar

Seminar content:

  • Was ist und wie wirkt Familienkarma?
  • Erlöse Familienkarma für Dich selbst und Deine gesamte Familie mithilfe von Engeln und Aufgestiegenen
  • Die göttliche Ordnung im Familiensystem wiederherstellen: Mit Metatron und der Energie der Blume des Lebens harmonische Verbindungen untereinander erstellen
  • Mutter Maria heilt die Beziehung zu Deiner Mutter und Deinem Vater
  • Inwiefern darf und kannst Du für Familienmitglieder und andere geliebte Menschen energetisch wirken?
  • So kannst Du bei der energetischen Arbeit für andere Personen vorgehen
  • Bereite dem Familiennachwuchs einen lichtvollen Empfang: Möglichkeiten für Empfängnis, Schwangerschaft und Geburt
  • Wie Du Familienmitgliedern und anderen geliebten Menschen vor, während und nach dem Übergang in die jenseitige Welt helfen kannst
  • Aktiviere vererbte lichtvolle Talente und Fähigkeiten
  • Kontakt zu Deinen Ahnen: Ist das wirklich eine gute Idee? Wie geht das?

You have completed the Pendulum Seminar or visited the Diamond Light Priest Training part 1 , so that you can fully benefit from the seminar and re-create all exercises at home by yourself.

The seminar costs 269€*. 

Location: online
can be performed at any time

Dieses Seminar bringt Dir Harmonie, Frieden und göttliche Ordnung in Deiner irdischen Familie und Kontakt zu Deiner himmlischen Familie.

Erlebe, wie Du von Engeln und Aufgestiegenen in diesem Prozess begleitet wirst!

Der Wunsch nach Frieden, Verständnis und Liebe innerhalb der Familie ist in vielen Herzen groß. Für Deine Liebsten wünschst Du Dir einfach nur das Beste! In diesem Seminar kannst Du aktiv und lichtvoll für Deine Familie wirken. Du lernst, wie Du Karma und Disharmonie in Deiner Familie endgültig erlösen kannst. Dabei wirst Du von Engeln, Aufgestiegenen und weiteren Lichtwesen begleitet.

Erzengel Metatron schenkt Dir die Energie der Blume des Lebens. Alle Familienmitglieder werden so lichtvoll an ihren Platz innerhalb der Familienordnung geführt. Die Blume des Lebens bewirkt die Auflösung alter Strukturen und Machtverhältnisse.

Neue Lichtverbindungen untereinander werden erstellt und harmonische Beziehungen können sich entfalten.

Als weiteres Highlight schenkt Mutter Maria Dir Gnade und Heilung für Deine Beziehung zu Deinen Eltern.
Sie bewirkt die Erlösung aller Schuld und negativer Verstrickungen untereinander bis auf den tiefen Grund Eurer Seelen.

Du erlebst viele praktische Übungen, die Du nach dem Seminar selbstständig in Dein Leben integrieren kannst. Das betrifft bspw. die Erlösung von Familienkarma für Dich, Deine Familie oder die Unterstützung geliebter Menschen, die Deine Hilfe bei besonderen Ereignissen benötigen.

Worte von Lichtlord Metatron über dieses Seminar:

„In diesem Seminar strömt das Licht intensiv in die Reihe eurer Ahnen zurück. Ihr wisst, jedes Leben, egal wie dunkel es euch erscheinen mag, hat doch eine lichtvolle Essenz in sich, einen Lernauftrag, eine Lernaufgabe. Die lichtvolle Essenz aller eurer Ahnen wird euch heute geschenkt. Das Dunkle des Karmas kann sich nicht mehr halten in dieser lichtvollen Essenz.
Die Edelsteine ihrer Leben, das sind die Schätze eurer Ahnen, werden euch geschenkt und zugeführt, so dass ihr von allem, was sie gelernt haben, die Profitierenden seid.“

Practical Anwendungen für Dein tägliches Leben und Partnerübungen

Seminar workbook, worksheets, and all meditations the mp3 Format for Download

Intensive Licht- und Erlösungsarbeit im Energiefeld Deiner Familie und des Familienkarmas

Meditations mit Erzengel Metatron, Mutter Maria, St. Germain und weiteren Lichtwesen

Retreat in Mexico

Meet the goddesses within, and enjoy!


All of the information can be found in this flyer: (English)

Location: Hotel Pamuul, Tulum, Mexico
Date: 02.-07.02.2025

Early Bird price until 30.11.24: 2250€ (after that, 2950€) for Hotel, Retreat and excursions. You are allowed to organize your arrival by yourself to extend your stay.

Retreat on the island of Madeira

Goddess Retreat on the island of flowers

Retreat Madeira

What to expect?

A women-only Godesses Retreat on the flower island of Madeira with gentle Yoga, mantras & Sacred Sounds, Channellings, crystal singing bowls, flower mandala

Time in nature: the sea, in the forest, the waterfall, and as a Special experience: a meditative sunset on the highest mountain of Pico in Maderia.

Together with the beautiful and talented Nina

Das All-Inclusive Retreat beinhaltet:

🌺Hotel ⭐⭐⭐
🌺Veganes & Glutenfreies Essen
🌺Flughafen Transfer

*Nicht inkludiert: Flug ✈️

Location: Relais & Châteaux Hotel – Casa Velha
Date:  Mai 2025, genaues Datum wird noch bekannt gegeben

Tagesprogramm (Mai 2024)

Thursday 09.05.2024

16:00 – official start with an Opening Ceremony 🌺

18:30 – vegan dinner 🍲🥗

20:00 – Stretch & crystal singing bowls Soundbath🫧

Friday 10.5.2024

7:30 Morning Yoga practice

9:30 vegan breakfast 🍌🥣☕

Free time until 🪽

12:30 vegan lunch 🥙 🍛

14:00 excursion to waterfall and water ceremony 🧚🦋🌊🌴🌳

18:30 dinner

20:00 Stretch & crystal singing bowls Soundbath

Saturday 11.5.2024

7:30 Morning Yoga practice

9:30 vegan breakfast 🍌🥣☕

Free time until 🪽

12:30 vegan lunch 🥙 🍛

14:00 excursion to the highest mountain Pico 🐉🔥 with dragon circle initiation ceremony

18:30 dinner

20:00 Stretch & crystal singing bowls Soundbath

Sunday 12.5.2024

7:30 Morning Yoga practice

9:30 vegan breakfast 🍌🥣☕

10:30 goddess circle and light crystal Channelling with the goddesses’ yoni egg &

Final crystal singing bowls Soundbath

12:00 checkout time

Optional 12:30 goddess official Madeira Flower celebration in the city of Funchal 🌺💐🌸🌼🌺☀🌴🌵🌳🦋🌊💃💃💃💃

Retreat Madeira
Retreat Madeira
Retreat Madeira
Retreat Madeira
Retreat Madeira
Retreat Madeira
Retreat Madeira
Retreat Madeira