Pyramid of Initiation

I am the light

98,00  *


Experience the presence of light master Thot!

  • A pyramid of light will be erected in the entire room
  • The energy of the initiation: light master Thot gives you powers, and blessings
  • Master Thot touches you with his wand and awakens the "I AM the Light" within you
  • You may also connect with other Ascended Masters
  • Further pyramids of light will manifest in its surrounding
  • To help you enter into a focused, in-depth meditation

You immerse in the holy vibration of initiation, touching you deeply inside and enabling the eternal Light of Divinity to re-emerge within you.
Thot, the high teacher of wisdom, connects with you and allows you to experience a spiritual initiation advancing with every meditation and opening up new insights.

Crystalline energization and initiation.

Additional information

Material & Dimensions

High quality, finely cut glass pyramid in plain shape,

Side length on base: 2-3/4 in. / 70 mm Height: 2-3/16 in. / 55 mm


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