Spiritual Healing with the Archangels

Part 1 – 01.-03.03.2024
Part 2 – 19.-21.04.2024
Part 3 – 05.-07.07.2024

Location: Minden & online via Zoom

485,00 1.500,00  *

SKU: N/A Category:

In this intensive Archangel Training, you will experience a powerful increase in your light and love frequency. The Archangels will accompany, guide and support you throughout the training.

🌟 In each part of the seminar, four Archangels will introduce themselves personally. You will receive intensive heart contact with each individual Archangel.

🌟 You will experience how the Archangels raise you into their light vibration and transfer their powers and qualities to you.

🌟 You will learn how to transmit the light and healing frequencies of the Archangels to the physical level and thus help other people.

🌟 You will learn how to meditate most effectively with the Archangels, cleanse your aura and release negativity in the process.

All infos on the training "Spiritual Healing with the Archangels" can be found here: https://aurareinigung-und-lichtkristalle.de/geistiges-heilen-mit-den-erzengeln/

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Part 1 – 01.-03.03.2024, part 2 – 19.-21.04.2024, part 3 – 05.-07.07.2024, All Appointments


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