Alcyone Light Portal (Requires Initiation)

Light Key to the Sun Council of Alcyone
The Solar Light Consciousness of Alcyone

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PDF Alcyone Light Portal Description – English

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Experience the presence of the Sun Light Council of Alcyone

  • Light keys to Alcyone and light portals to the primordial central suns
  • Unite with the Solar Light Council of Alcyone: You act as a Light Ambassador for the Earth
  • Entry portal to the golden cities of the solar light beings and Christ avatars
  • Raise your light potential and your light consciousness to the light frequency of Alcyone
  • The solar light consciousness of the 9th dimension activates in you, it opens and expands your mind's thinking, brings you the bliss of the primordial central suns, gilds your genesis codes
  • The Sun Lords ignite wheels of fire within wheels of fire in your light body and you make the octave leap into the Christ light of the 9th dimension
  • Wheels of fire within wheels of fire ignite in your entire light body (in all chakras, energy bodies, Merkabas down to the cells), thereby you are protected and your light frequency is powerfully increased
  • You can easily release karma, old matrices, entanglements, addictions and fears all the way back to the primal trauma of the exploded planet
  • The light wave of Alcyone pours golden genesis codes into your cells and quantum, it transforms and gilds your DNA and a radiant aura is formed around each cell
  • Radiates like a sun, opening a temple of light in which the spiritual sunlight of Alcyone radiates in

A Golden Portal to the great Central suns opens up in you. The sun-Lich came from Alcyone occurs in your presence and give you the light key to the light of consciousness of Alcyone.

With diamond energization and initiation 

Delivery is carried out only with a solemn inauguration in the Form of an intense single-session - Please note Notes on inauguration

Additional information

Material & Dimensions

High quality glass gate with finely cut facets, a lasered angel figure and gold-cashmere coloured coating under the pedestal. There may be slight differences in the colour coating due to production.

Available In two sizes:
Large: H: 17.5 cm / 7"- W: 11 cm / 4-3/8" - D: 5 cm / 2-1/8"
Small: H: 12 cm / 4-3/4 "- W: 8 cm / 3-1/8" - D: 4 cm / 1-1/2"


Delivery is carried out only with inauguration in the form of an intense single-session - Please note


Large (175mm), Small (120mm)

Product safety

Manufacturer information

Alte Poststr. 37
D-88690 Uhldingen-Mühlhofen
Inhaberin: Frau Antje Eisele

Telefon: +49 (0) 7556 / 929 08-0


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