Light Wand of Saint Hildegard

The Light Physician embraces you Heavenly Light and Healing Frequencies for your Physical Body and your Light Body Christmas edition 2021

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Experience the blessing energy of Saint Hildegard of Bingen and let her guide you!!

  • Bless water, drinks, food, supplements, medicines, nature etc. together with Saint Hildegard. Divine light and healing frequencies are transmitted.
  • Acts like a touch and an embrace of Saint Hildegard: The darkness leaves your physical and ethereal bodies and the light can return.
  • Gives you the subtle frequencies of medicinal plants and gemstones that can bring you healing frequencies on all levels.
  • Helps you to eliminate all that is low vibrating (everything that is toxic, decaying and causes illness) by holding the Light Wand to the respective parts of the body and letting it take effect.
  • Saint Hildegard has the authority to free you from external disease-causing energies.
  • Your physical cells vibrate energetically high and lose the resonance to negative energies.
  • Dissolves blockages in a flash and gives you light and healing frequencies that are useful to you at the moment.
  • When you meditate with the Light Wand, you receive inspirations from Saint Hildegard and develop an awareness of what is good for your body.

With this Light Wand, Saint Hildegard is with you, guiding and teaching you. She lets her light of enlightenment shower down on you and leads you to the purest knowledge.

Crystalline energization and initiation.

Additional information


shiny gold, shiny silver

Material & Dimensions

High-quality filigree glass tube with shiny gold or silver intermediate connector. A sphere with finely cut facets is attached to the upper end of the wand. In the hollow wand handle are five small cut glass beads that roll up and down in the wand when moved.

Length: 8 in. / 150 mm Diameter of sphere: 3/4 in. / 20 mm

Decorations are not included.

Important notes for use:
Do not submerge wand in liquids as it could damage the material. Store the wand only at room temperature; do not expose it to temperature fluctuations (e.g., refrigerator).


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